Host Your Company Give Back Day!
Company Give Back Days
Nichols Center hosts company give back days as part of our volunteer program that allow companies to connect meaningfully within our community and learn about mental health resources available for families needing support and recovery.
Mornings in the Garden
Mornings in the Garden with Resolution Life
Our friends at Resolution Life came out to help weed and plant today. We are grateful for their service and support of our center.
Recovery Give Back Day Victory Valley Rescue Ranch
Victory Valley Rescue Ranch and their team of dedicated volunteers made a HUGE impact in our garden beds preparing the area for our mindfulness hydrangea garden.
Mornings in the Garden with Resolution Life
Resolution Life returned for another give back day helping us build our community vegetable garden and add to our hydrangea garden. We started the day with some training in Opioid Awareness and prescription drug safety. We are so grateful for their connection and service.
Mornings in the Garden with West Ga Tech
The students of West Georgia Tech came to the center to serve for a day of giving back! They helped lay the ground work for our community garden space and make the area disability friendly. This will benefit our families that are mobility challenged when accessing the garden areas.
Meet the Team
Our center grows through the dedication and passion of our volunteers. We could not do this without YOU!